
Gloucestershire Ladies' County Golf Association

 GLCGS Results & REPORTS 2024



                               Heather Earl (The Kendleshire) Chamberlain Cup       Mena Terrell (Lilley Brook) Best Gross           Jane Barrett (Cotswold Edge) Bennion Trophy

                          Vets Trophy       Transfer of Captaincy     Congratulations Jenny Clink on her OBE

                                                                                                                               Thank you to Pat Spencer


Twelve of us met at Thornbury Golf Centre, 8 new Lady Captains and 4 past Captains. I had decided the Friday before that the course was too soggy to play on and made alternative plans.

After an introduction to each other we enjoyed pre-golf delicious, generously filled bacon and sausage baps with tea or coffee. Then we went onto the Driving Range to play a fun competition on the TRACKMAN. I chose the front 9 at Adare Manor in Ireland. This will be the next home venue for the Ryder Cup, in 2027. It was fantastic fun, you had to think and sometimes just laugh as we were playing a “virtual” course with no wind, rain or mud. Very strange given our weather conditions for the past several months. The ball was running to say the least and there were a couple of VERY good scores off the White tees. Let’s just say that we are available should the European Captain need us!  Later we had a Nearest the Pin competition on the par 3 7th hole at Pebble Beach. We each had three attempts off and three ladies got on the green. Some went down onto the beach, which sadly was out of bounds but looked appealing in the on-screen sunshine. 

After a one course dinner we enjoyed more chat, had the presentation and I sold many items of clothing kit. 

I had many emails and kind words afterwards saying that the ladies had enjoyed the event and felt encouraged to come to matches and events. This was the idea of the day, to show that we have fun and are inclusive. 

Winners : Hidden partners 9 hole competition. 

1st place Sharon Crawford (Long Ashton) and Jackie Pask (Thornbury)

2nd place Chrissie Savage (Bristol & Clifton) and Michelle Craker (Cotswold Edge)

Nearest the Pin : Karen Alexander (Forest Hills) a fantastic 16 ft from the pin. 

Prizes donated by Simon Craker. 

Thankyou to all of the ladies for coming and to the Thornbury Ladies, Jackie Jackson, Jackie Pask and Jenny Dennis for your help around the clubhouse

Michelle Craker 2024 Captain



After several,days of phone calls and will we/won’t we discussions the rain stopped and the sun shone for us at Tewkesbury Park GC

15 ladies arrived and most of us had not played golf for several months due to our courses being closed and no no buggies. 

As usual, friends reunited and we set off for -  as most said -  a walk to try and play some golf. 

The course played remarkably well and most ladies managed 18 holes. 

The meal afterwards was very good and welcome as we were all hungry. 

Two ladies tied for first place in the Stableford competition,On count back Jane Barrett won with 31 points and Michelle Craker came second. Amazing amount of points given the conditions Congratulations and ‘well done’ to both of you and well done to everyone for playing.

Val Bland, Past Captain 



57 Present and Past Lady Captains signed up to play in our first event of the year.

After the wettest winter on record, I hoped for better weather on Monday but unfortunately it was not to be. The ladies were battered by very strong winds and the last few teams out got very wet. Still, this did not prevent the ladies saying they enjoyed playing the course which was in superb condition. 

We were given a warm welcome in the clubhouse from the staff at Forest Hills and excellent food after play added to the atmosphere and enjoyment. The weather did influence the scores however All were very close. 

1st place Jane Barrett Cots Edge,Sue Trewin Brickie,Barbara Smyth Cleeve 71 points 

2nd place Laura Barnett,Jenny Fisher,Rachel Hill..Kendleshire. 67 points 

3rd place Pam Dukes,Ellie Teasdale Ross GC Debbie Griffiths SHGC…66 points on countback. 

NtPs 8 th Jose Wilson, Ross, 14th Laura Barnett, Kendleshire, 17th Debbie Griffiths SHGC 

Guess the price of the Hampers (winners Sue Chance SHGC and Lizzie Claridge BCGC) raised £165 for Gloucestershire Girls Golf 

Val Bland Past Captain

     1 Jane Barrett Sue Trewin Barbara Smyth               71
     2 Laura Barnett Jenny Fisher Rachel Hill                 67
     3 Michelle Craker Susie Tolson Heather Earl          66
         Pam Duke Debbie Griffiths Ellie Teasdale            66
         Carolyn Thompson Sefton Hooton Carol Lane  66
     6 Helen Kirby Kath Thorne Lynn Rutter                     63
     7 Gill Smith Lynn Lavender Alison Coombs             62
        Christine Dooley Rosie Williams Sue Bull              62
    9  Carole Weeks Sue Rees Susie Unwin                      60
    10 Deborah Davies Lynn Relph Jill Wargen               59
          Ann Sedman Yvonne West Marilyn Slater            59
          Roz Morris Jenny Bryer Bunty Purbrick                59
    13 Val Bland Deb Hill Jackie Watson                             58
    14 Kate Williams Ruth Hughes Debbie Casling        56
    15 Josie Wilson Sally Lawrence Hazel Day                55
          Celia Watkinson Pam Redgers Jane Malone      55
    17 Sue Chance Mary Sullivan Lynn Jones                   54
    18 Sarah Nannestad Gwen Knight Steph Hopes     49
    19 Pauline Brown Alexis Hill Lizzie Claridge              4



GLCGS were pleased to welcome Oxfordshire Past Captains to Lilley Brook Golf Club on May 29th.

Thankfully the forecast changed and the thunderstorms stayed away, we just had a very brief shower, and some of us even took our jumpers off at times!

The course was in great condition but the hills were pretty tiring! We were glad to get into the clubhouse for a rest and good meal of Hunter’s Chicken or Brie and Cranberry Quiche, which seemed to go down very well. 

Thanks to all of the ladies for being so brilliant with communication beforehand and for a sterling job on the course. It is all for fun of course, but I am delighted to report a 5-3 victory for us in my first match at the helm.

Special thanks to Moya Kitchen and Jenny Clink for coming to welcome us and to make sure that everything was satisfactory throughout the day. Very kind and very much appreciated.

I can’t thank the Club enough for a very well-organised day, admin to caterers to the green staff. Well done GLCGS, here’s to many more happy times together.

Michelle Craker Captain 2024


glcgs summer meeting - cotswold edge gc, tuesday 11th june 2024

34 ladies were greeted by the 2024 Captain, Michelle Craker and her team of helpers of which some had travelled from as far as Essex!

After a late breakfast snack of bacon rolls and refreshments starter Simon set us all on our way on a course that was in great condition and no-one was more pleased than me to have a green flag waved at my drive on the 11th?

 The halfway house visited by all gave players Pimms, fruit and chocolate!! It was interesting to watch the drives after this lot!

Following our rounds we were treated to a lovely Lasagne and salad polished off by a delicious Cheesecake and then to presentation.

Michelle would like to add a very big thank you Cotswold Edge Golf Club for the generosity with the green fee and the lovely food.  To helpers Simon Craker (Starter), Sue and Martin from Essex for help on the raffle, halfway house and photographs not only on the day but leading up too.

John Barrett for outstanding help marshalling on the 11th, pretty chilly at times! Club Captain Derek and past Captain Ian for donations of food, water and Gin!!

Our brilliant Vice-Captain Debbie Casling for the superb organisation, results calculations and support.  Next year we look forward to this event at Brickhampton Court GC on 5th June.

Lastly to all of the ladies who took part, thank you for helping me to have such a fantastic and memorable day.

The Captains Salver – Carolyn Thompson (Forest Hills) G86

The Chamberlain Cup – Jane Barrett (Cotswold Edge) N63

Summer Bowl (Consolation Stableford) – Jenny Garland (The Kendleshire) 37pts

Bennion Trophy (Past Society Captains Only) – Jane Barrett (Cotswold Edge) N63

Division 1 Prizes

Gross – Heather Earl (The Kendleshire) c/b G91

Nett – Hazel Day (Lilley Brook) N70

Stableford – Jacky Watson (The Kendleshire) 36pts

Division 2 Prizes

Gross – Helen Grove (Henbury) c/b G107

Nett – Mary Brealey (Cotswold Edge) N77

Stableford – Sarah Nannestad (X Westonbirt) 30pts

Nearest the Pins

Div 1 – Mena Terrell (Lilley Brook) 11th Hole

Div 2 – Helen Grove (Henbury) 16th Hole


                                            Carolyn Thompson, Forest Hills GC                                 Jane Barrett, Cotswold Edge GC                      Jenny Garland, The Kendleshire               


           Jane Barrett, Cotswold Edge GC                         Jacky Watson,The Kendleshire                           Heather Earl, The Kendleshire                      Hazel Day Lilley Brook GC       

Ja             ne                                             

                        Helen Grove, Henbury GC                            Mary Brealey, Cotswold Edge GC              Sarah Nannestead, ex Westonbirt GC    Mena Terrell, Lilley Brook GC



GLCGS v dorset captains - knowle gc, tuesday, 25th june 2024

On a very warm day the Captains hosted Dorset Past Captains at Knowle Golf Club. Dorset could only bring 14 ladies so we played 7 matches. We had a social 4-ball of Gloucestershire ladies at the end of the field.

It was an extremely hot day, such a change from all of those hundreds of days’ rain we had in the winter/ spring! The course was in fantastic condition and off we went after lovely bacon or egg rolls and tea or coffee.

Many matches were nip and tuck and I am thrilled to say that we have another victory under our belt, 4.5 to 2.5. One match was halved after one of our ladies was injured on the course. Thankfully she is making a good recovery so far.

We had a super summery meal of salmon followed by strawberries, although the vegetable curry was a bit warmer!

I can’t thank Knowle enough. The admin, organisation, food and bar were all exemplary and we were not charged a Green Fee. An amazing day for £20.

Many thanks to all who played. And to Dorset ladies who were very friendly and very kind.

Michelle Craker
Captain 2024

In the absence of a team photo I attach a photo of myself with Caley McGinty, Knowle’s superstar young lady who has just turned professional. 


                                                                                                                                    Good luck Caley and thank you for your time.



Another extremely hot day for our GLCGS match!

Cirencester Golf Club gave us a great welcome and the course was in excellent condition. The caterers looked after us extremely well and we enjoyed a lovely meal later on.

We reconnected with old friends for this match, most of us wear hats for both teams! All matches were played in a friendly spirit with some fun banter.

Despite giving shots in each of the matches, and the Vets fighting hard, I am absolutely thrilled to say that we won all 8, thus winning the Lorna Sparkes Rosebowl outright.

Lorna was delighted to present the trophy, having recovered from being overcome by the heat earlier on.

What a great day!! I am absolutely buzzing and so proud of our ladies. Well done everyone.

Michelle. Captain 2024.

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